Do you have a passive aggressive partner?

In couples therapy sessions, focus is often taken up with hearing and seeing aggression and anger being played out.  Passive aggression on the other hand is harder to identify often staying under the radar just bubbling away. Passive aggressive behaviour is defined as...

“In Each Other’s Care

  While listening to the news about Israel and Gaza over the past week I have also beenthinking about writing this blog. Trying to process the enormity of the events meant I found it difficult to know what to write. It is hard to imagine the impact of the suffering...

Do Continual Arguments Badly Affect Your Relationship?

In recent days the world has been horrified to witness how the age long history of conflict in the Middle East has now turned to full blown war. Families are being torn apart as the conflict escalates. In no way is this a comparison but over the years I have worked...

Why do couples continue to have the same fights?

It doesn’t surprise me that the couples I work with have the same arguments over and over again. Whether it is about how to load the dishwasher (my personal favourite) or not checking in with their partner when they accept an invitation, these tiffs seem to go on...

Jealousy: How to Embrace it and Talk about It

With lockdown slowly coming to an end, we are slowly interacting with more people. For some couples, this is a welcomed relief to spend time other than our partner but for some, it can bring up feelings of jealousy that have laid dormant throughout lockdown. Dr. Ari...

Domestic Violence and COVID-19 Lockdown

As we enter week six of lockdown several domestic abuse charities and campaigners have reported a substantial increase in calls to helplines and online services since lockdown conditions were imposed.  The UK charity Refuge reports calls to its helpline have...